#905# Soul2Soul, Granola., Mysa , Milk Motion, Mithral, Ariskea , Apple Fall, Pitaya & Zinnias

 (Milk Motion) concrete house with piloti

Soul2Soul. Penzance Patio Modular Set MarketPlace

MYSA Fatpack Vases/Plants/Divide MP

Granola.Heat Waves Planter.

Granola. Watermelon Sugar Planter.

Pitaya - Spring Afternoons - Rugs (blue and red)

Apple Fall Cushion - Cream, Hearts

Apple Fall Coral Specimen

Mithral * Terrarium Coffee Table (Silver)

Mithral * Living Wall Display (Silver)

Mithral * Mounted String of Hearts (Wood)

Mithral * Decorated Metal Plant Floor Shelf (Gold)

Ariskea[September] Credenza [1] (Group Gift )

Zinnias Solaria Summer Shelf (Gift)

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