
Lion - [Rezz Room] Box LIon Male Adult Animesh @Mancave
Rock - [Rezz Room]  Pride Rock @Mancave
Chimpanzee - [Rezz Room] Chimpanzee Baby Animesh 

The lion (Panthera leo) is a mammal of the order of carnivores and the felidae family, being the second largest feline (the tiger is the first) in the world. Lions have as characteristic brand the jusa of males, which can serve as protection in fights, or to intimidate the opponent, looking bigger. It was a widespread animal in various parts of the planet, but hunting has extinguished it in many regions and today we find it only in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. It was the favorite animal of nobles and kings who wanted to demonstrate power and sovereignty, being widely used in exhibitions throughout history.
It is divided into an Asian subspecies and African subspecies, but the number varies among taxonomists.

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